
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pet Peeves

Man it's 2014, and while I've been living each day to smile and be happy, these days doesn't come easily without strife and struggle. Because if you don't know, now you know, but in order to keep me from losing my damn mind with some of the bullshit you people pull, let's set some boundaries, because I've been pretty easy with letting you all get away with those things that pisses me off, mostly because you don't know any better. Maybe that's my fault or something. Anyway, there's not much that gets me pissed but I feel that I have to emphasize on some of the shit that does, just to stop the habitual line steppers (which I was also alright with enabling.)

1. Don't State The Obvious - This has been the one of the two GREATEST offenses I've been dealing with since I've been on FB. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna force your face into the shit you said to out you like the basic motherfucker you are (not all the time at least). Like I don't care what the fuckin topic is yo, if you state some shit that's already been said a MILLION times by every other motherfucker on the internet, STOP. Reconsider. Or at least acknowledge you're beating the dead horse. I don't care if it's Social Justice, Gaming, Women, Business, Entrepreneurship, what the fuck ever. And PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't try to give me advice with shit I already know man. Be helpful, don't just run your mouth. If you ain't got no new information to contribute or some unique point of view, I suggest you to shut the fuck up man. Seriousness. Which brings me to my next point.

2. Don't Post Old News - Matter in fact, DON'T POST ON MY WALL AT ALL. Like unless you're posting la femmes or some actual shit that isn't a played out meme (because motherfucker let's be honest, 9/10 I've already saw the shit you saw, before you saw it. If I didn't share it, I thought it was wack!) The only thing you're allowed to post on my wall are messages, original jokes, and bitches BAD BITCHES at that. AND IT BETTER NOT BE NO FEMMES I'VE ALREADY SHARED YO!

3. Don't talk to me about basic shit, and expect me to put my heart in the discussion or some shit like that- To simplify "Basic Shit" I guess the best way I can put it is "Shit the internet deems important/relevant." It really goes back to 1-2 to be honest. These are usually conversations with little to no benefit, usually petty shit, and discussing petty people or things, which I personally feel like I'm above. Easy subjects.

"I got an Xbox One and a PS4."

Me: "Nigga, did I ask you that?"

"Yo Arc, so and so celebrity made a racist comment!" 

Me: "So what?! Dafuq that gotta do with me?! Fuck that nigga! Let him/her do whatever he/she wants." 

"Yo Arc, what do you think of the friendzone?" 

Me: "I don't friend girls I'm trying to get with. So I wouldn't know. I'm not trying to be a 'friend' to someone I want to fuck."
[Now before #TeamObvious attempts to break down, my statement into some basic nigga shit and outcries of "Well you gotta be friends or some sugar water shit like that.". STOP, Think about what I'm saying.

"I don't invest friendship with someone I want to be more than friends with."  That shit is pointless, and you're really just gonna end up unsatisfied with shit until you snap or some other shit then crying like some heartbroken sap ass nigga talking about, "Nice guys finish last."

They don't, just know when to withdraw when they've made it clear they don't want the same shit as you. It is what it is. Stop being a dick in a dusty ass emergency glass. ]

I've ranted on more about this shit than I should, but it really was something people was asking me at one point like I was gonna sympathize with that wack shit. Not to mention some of you are really bad at reading between the lines.

4. If I put you on some dope shit or posted it, the worst thing you can do is come back like a year later asking me have I heard it or some shit.  Once again this is one of those cases of offending #2 on the list. Doing this would probably prevent me from sharing anything with you ever again, and possibly spoiling whatever it is out of spite because you are so goddamn late.

5. Attempting to prove intelligence through the criticism of the stupidity of others. I get it internet. You're smart. Good for you. Congratulations. You're so unique, so amazing, so talented, that all you got to do is bask in discussion of Miley Bieber. Coo. Or probably just repeat and pass on other statements of stupidity from either stupid people or trolls, and take them seriously to fullest extent. I mean there's other shit you can talk about, but it's not as important (easy) as talking about how some dumbasses shouldn't be able reproduce.

You know how you kill stupidity? You ignore it. SO PLEASE STOP CIRCLE JERKING.

6. Taking everything so goddamn serious.  Life is short. Don't spend it overthinking. Because most things in life require little to no thought.

7. Asking me to collab with you on a project, and basically try to do the easy shit like writing a story. First and foremost 9/10 I'm a better writer than you, the fuck would I even agree to that for? You got other skills? Can you program? can you draw sprites? Can you animate? Can you write down game designs?

Talent recognize talent.

8. Expecting me to agree with you in order to understand. This is the most bitch made form of thinking ever. It doesn't take much to understand a person, just to see things from their point of view, but just because I understand with where you coming from that shit does not mean I will agree with your choices.

9. Confusing Empathy with Sympathy. I don't know when this outbreak of sweet ass dudes happened, speaking about a person lacking empathy because they didn't sympathize with their views. But this is also pretty bitch made. Empathy is when you understand a person's views due to experience, sympathy is when you feel bad for the person regardless of experience. You don't have to sympathize to empathize. In other words, if I think your view is bitch made, you'll get no sympathy from me.

10. Talking to me about CAPCOM. That's like asking me about an ex-girlfriend or some shit man. Just let it go.

11. Overly self righteous forum debaters. You know the type, trying to argue with a fraud sense of maturity and intelligence despite the fact their argument doesn't hold a damn candle. Probably most likely to offend most in this list. More angst than a 13 year old who just finished arguing with his parents and bumping Linkin Park. Got some silly view of the world about how everything should be fair and balanced with out acknowledging that way of thinking is borderline entitlement. Time to grow the fuck up homie.

And that's it.

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