
Thursday, August 5, 2010


In the Milky Way Galaxy, in the Solar System, the third planet from the sun.... There exist a group of beings, with limitless potential....

We start off as children. Children filled with dreams, fantasies, and ideals. Wanting to believe in everything, wanting to find everything, bring new things into existence. Eventually those children grow into Adults. As Adults, they leave their homes, searching for something in their lives, trained by their parents to surpass their limitations in life. As they move throughout the world, growing, adapting, and learning, they eventually gain an ability, an ability as great as those of gods... The ability to create. Everyday, we gain throughout lessons and experiences. Our abilitiy to grow is limitless. As we rise to new and unknown worlds, lands, that hae yet to be discovered, we utilize the potential that is presented within these places and grow even further.

We grow through Evolution.... Evolution is limitless.

Follow what you believe in, what you desire out of life...

Grasp it... and don't let go.

Continue on... Always confident, hunger for more.

Like a wolf....

Make a better future.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hatred... Suffering Becomes Rage.

For the past two days, I kinda went in between my anger and my feelings and let loose a bit. Thinking about it now, I apologize for the things I've said. I let my disgust turn into hatred and anger. Things like that, you gotta rise above. We all go through things and it's hard; you either get hurt or pissed, and once you get anger you gotta clear your head of the negative to see what you need to see or you just fall into the madness.

Sometimes you can see some displeasing things come from people, and it makes you want to stick their nose in their own mess like a dog. Or the favorite of the crybabies, hurt those who hurt you.

When situations arrive, you must be able to tell the difference between situations where you must make a stand and those where you must ignore it. Not every battle is worth giving attention to, and there is more than one way to crush an enemy.

Rage is never good for anything, it dulls the sense and just adds stress to the situation, making all of your attempts at anything ineffective, ultimately making you look...... stupid.

We all go through shit, what matters is how we handle it. Only a fool will run in head first.

Life's precious and we all have to share it. That's why I always say,

Spread Love, Make peace.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blame it on the Boys, Blame it on the Girls

It's the story that's gone around longer than Soul Calibur- The eternal all men are dogs, all women are bitches arguement. It's funny when you hear these stories from these people and the when you get to know them you realize something, they're almost the same person. They deserve each other. But there's nothing worse then getting caught up with one of those people. No matter how much you care about that person, no matter what you do... You can't help them, there's not shit you can do for 'em. There's a reason why they act the way they do. Because that's how they do it, as fucked up as it seems. I've seen a guy play the sweetest of women, I've seen a girl play the most caring of men, and then they turn around and do the same shit to people.

Everyone's immature, everyone's selfish. There are even people who will read this the post, agreeing, and doing the same shit.

I've actually talked to people about why they treat each other in such a way, Girls told me because guys do it to you all the time, Guys told me that these females are scandalous. I said both of you need to grow the fuck up. It's people like that who don't need to be with anyone.

I think sometime people have too many options, so they carry themselves around like everything is granted like they're some damn pop star. Like they deserve to get their way in this world and everyone must bow before them... to those...

I stand with a straight face and stick my middle finger in theirs. There's more people on this planet than just you. And nothing is given to no man, so what makes your existence any different from mine? Last time I checked you die just like me on this Earth.

My beef isn't with just one group, my beef is with everyone. The country's damn near dumb as fuck, everyday, I step outside, why the fuck do I feel like the whole world's turned into Jersey Shore?

And people love that shit.

Everyone's fake, nothing is real. Shit's damn near depressing. Is this the future of the world??

Don't really care anymore. I'm gonna keep to myself.

Monday, August 2, 2010



Somewhere I fell off.... Hard. I was close to having everything I wanted and being satisfied with life... until one point... I lost everything. The ground that I believed was so solid crumbled before my very eyes and I fell. As I plummeted to my impending self-destruction. I fell into the abyss of self-pity and regret that I called "Hell". I stood there... In an empty apartment... Spirit, breaking... falling towards depression.

A man with everything has no possible way to grow.... Therefore that's when they are at their weakest... But a man with nothing.......

A man with nothing to lose has everything to gain.

To surpass myself, to become better.

To accelerate past my limits.

At some point I grew comfortable with myself, and for that mistake... I was a fool.

I'm still a wolf with no home right? At one point... that was the source of my sorrow. To never find a clan, nor happiness... But.... those were the worries of a boy.... And it left with her.... I stand in the snow.... looking for no one... Only moving forward, and for once in my life.... despite everything I've experienced, the warmth, the happiness, the love... I'm satisfied with the way everything turned out and the trials I experienced... and the ones I will in the future. I'm not perfect, I don't know everything, I can't do everything... But I'll try.... I'll always try. I'll keep my faith, the faith I carry in myself, the faith I have in others, the faith I have in love, everything. We all fall down sometimes, but you'll always have quarters if you get back up.

I want more than what I had, I want better, and I'll do what it takes to get where I both want and need to go.

I'm stronger now than I was back then, and I refuse to stop. It's only human to desire perfection... But I'm a wandering wolf with no home in the cold snow we call Earth. I'm not dead yet, so it only makes sense to give em Hell while I'm living right?

Spread Love, Look for Peace.
The Story Teller,

Arc Christelle

Loneliness is the teacher that educates weak hearts on how to Love.

Never fear it, always embrace it, even when it hurts.... Have faith. It takes two to play that game.