
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Now Loading......... [Stage 1-3]

Sorry about the lack of updates this week. I kinda took a break for the moment. I got some ideas in mind and some updates planned for this blog so stay updated. You see the Love and Lust pages? I plan on adding some females in there soon with some more ish sooo..... yep. The page will be going through some more personal changes including my personal artwork, strips, etc.

Just know that I plan to make things a whole lot more interesting in the future.

Arc Christelle has a twitter up, and haven't put shit up on it or followed anyone at the moment, but if you'd like me to follow you or you got any questions, comments, statements, rants, etc, follow me at @Arc_Christelle

drop questions and shit at #AskArc and I'll check it out and even return with a video response.... maybe, hopefully definitely. If there's anything you'd like to see in the future let me know. -shrugs- But for the most part I will be leaving Atlanta for a week to go to my mom's birthday, she finally hitting the big 50. So much love to her and whatnot.

For the most part enjoy the break and check out some of the posts and drop some comments...please? or atleast follow me. Gawd. For now, I'm outtie.

Till Next Time, this has been the Infinite Space.

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