
Monday, July 30, 2012

Track of Today - Dracula's Tears

Today's tracks will be that of The Castlevania Variety! Now we all love Vampire Killer and Bloody Tears, but it's all about Soma's hottest theme!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Natural Contradiction

Ahh.... Brother, how do you weep for me, when you only watch my descent? I do not believe your tears brother. I do not believe your words. To consider me more than what I really am is a joke. I am a worthless man and a waste of space. I don't have the will to live, nor do I have the will to work or build. I only seek death brother, but at the same time, I don't want to be here to die alone. But that loneliness may be better, than the embarrassment, of living as a burden. Natural Contradictions of Life and Death I suppose. Leave me here brother, as the man I am. Forget me brother, and anything about me, I am a worthless man who does not seek pity, but love.

Until then, I'll be here.
-Arc Christelle

State of Nothingness

Man.... it's kinda hard to keep your head lifted, when you're not where you want to be. It's hard to be happy just to be alive, when deep down inside, you just want to die. They say be happy for what you have, I have little to nothing, all I wanted to do, was to make it so I can offer something better to those after me, my future kids and whatnot. In the end, I have nothing for myself, but a computer screen and these four walls. I finally decided to stand, and I already feel myself ready to sit down, because I don't know where to go. Trying to focus, but I can feel every bit of it slipping into that pit.... Stay.... focused.... Don't forget -Arc Christelle

Today's Track.

I don't know why it popped in my head today but hey, besides the fact that SA2 had some of the most memorable music in both video game and Sonic history, Rouge songs were usually the shit. Jazzy!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

How about a NGBC Tourney?

New Chapter: The Fate of Arc Christelle

Today I will change. No longer will I lay in waste, directionless and defeated. Today I will change myself. I will become better, and stronger. Today I will stand. Today I move forward. I will fix the broken road, and continue along my path. I will not think of the pain of the journey. Only the reward of reaching the destination. I will focus, I will focus on becoming more than I am today. I will no longer lay down, broken, and undesired. Today I will change. For me. New Chapter -Arc Christelle

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today's special musical guest. Joshua Matthews


Take a moment to listen to some of my homeboy, Joshua Matthew's tracks on SoundCloud and show him some love. He has some nice house tracks. Check out Soul Flower and So in Love.

I wish I was a better Saiki player.

Just a thought.

Perhaps I have fallen... because I have forgotten the purpose of this place and my original goal.... Wound in the madness and sorrows of despair, I turned away from the world only to face my pain, and pain was all that I knew. I forgot to uplift them. I no longer wanted to, my arms ached with sadness as I only wanted to let go. In the end, I tried to throw away something that was a part of me. Tragic. -Arc Christelle

Best for Last.

Like I said, it's like waking up to see a beautiful wife.

Good Morning, Young Adventurer.

Last but not least, the Symphony of The Goddesses Orchestrated version of my favorite song from my very first Zelda experience, Link's Awakening. The Ballard of the Wind Fish.

I think one thing I liked about the Zelda series, especially the music, is that it always had this good feeling when you're playing through them. It's not just going through a Dungeon, it's exploring the whole place, everywhere feels like home. It's strange. Windwaker was one of my favorite titles, the beauty, the depth, the experience, and most of all, the warmth. You don't get that from many games that don't have a Nintendo logo on them. Great games make you want to wake up to them like a beautiful wife or something. It's an awesome feeling.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I get up everyday feeling this way.

An Actual Update

You know I never gave you bastards an "actual update." I've been back drawing again, and what not. Got a hipster page on Tumblr with the rest of the hipster that I only use for porn. Discovered, if I feel bad, I should masturbate to feel better. Moved back in with my mom in Alabama (and not the okay part of Alabama). Recently been playing more games on the PC like, PSO2, Street Fighter X Tekken, Vanguard Princess, and my wireless adapter just got here so I guess I'll be playing Sin and Punishment on my pc when I feel down, but most definitely when I get some coin I'm pre-ordering a Wii U along with Anarchy Reigns (if I don't go ahead and import it.) I've been lazily working on these re-designs of Mortal Kombat characters in my style as well as starting back production on my game project... Struggling to stay focused from lack of results and motivation I suppose. Thoughts of being stuck and how to get out keep flooding my head. I need break from everything. I just need a second to enjoy life, I suppose. Either that or get my dick sucked, whichever comes first.

I Don't Know / Thinking Music of The Day - Shad K/Cherelle & Alexander O'Neal

I was thinking today, some days I feel lost. Void of direction as I sit in my room waiting for something that isn't happening. I don't really have a path or a way. I just know I'm here, and I need to go... but where to? My goals and passions become faded because of this everlasting misery, feeling left to dry till I die and forgotten and lost with the rest of those fading memories of me.

I haven't done much and I get recognized for so little, at times it feels like no matter what I do, unless I'm with the right people or I have someway ahead, it doesn't matter. Sometimes everyone wants to feel special. That's why it annoys me when I see others treated special, because I want to feel special too.

"What's wrong?"

I don't know, I thought that it was obvious.

I sit here watching while everyone else lives. I don't sell drugs or traffic, but those guys make money and get to live. I don't smoke or drink often but those guys have the best times, and everyone wants to hang out with them and chill. I don't play with the feelings of the opposite sex, but those guys get the most. I like to hang out with friends, because there aren't many people I can connect with back home. Still feels like there aren't. I feel trapped. I want to draw, I want to program fun apps and make video games, I want to have a good time, but everyday is a reminder of what I don't have and what I lack. Some people say get up and get yours, but the way I feel, unless you're in my shoes you wouldn't understand what it's like to be me. Everyone has answers, but no one can help, so I've stopped asking. They say family is who's there, but I'm not their

You know. There's a lot about myself I show to the world, still there are those small things that I keep to myself. Well that's an exaggeration. Because there are bigger things that may decide. But when that day comes, I might let you know. Those who care, will always be there, but the truth will always be, you can't make it in this world alone. So even when I don't admit it, loneliness eats at me.

Some people view me as mean, others know that I'm kind, some rather just not acknowledge me at all. I hate being told I'm talented because deep inside I feel as though I should become better, but with this life thing, stress and lack of funds it's kinda hard to keep focus. I need money that I don't have from places that aren't willing to hire me despite my experience or potential. I think my life is a joke. Sometimes I feel as if I was hyped up, I hate running into old acquaintances because I feel as if more was expected from me. I have nothing, not even the blocks to build and most definitely not the support. Some people have enough connections so that it's easy to succeed, some people bust their ass for success while there are those who've died..... trying. Most of the time I feel like there's no point. Sometimes I rather just sit back and play a game.


Sometimes I want to just be me, Sometimes I want to have fun, Sometimes I want to feel special too.

I don't know where to go or where to be. No where I go feels like home to me.

Sometimes I want to let go of the past, the emptiness, the void, the nothingness, the fear of being nothing and the pain from not having, but that's just me. When I'm not being sarcastic or making jokes or funny remarks. It's kinda hard to see me in a different light, even painful to watch. The one who encourages everyone to get up is down. To you it may seem odd, but to me it makes sense.

Weird isn't it?

I don't know.

-Arc Christelle

Now here's some rap and an old school R&B track.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!! Arc Khristelle Edition.

Every time I looked at MK9 character portraits I'd cringe. So I decided to do my own version of Mortal Kombat and even re-envision some of the characters! I might start doing remixes of every garbage game I can think of.
Look forward to more work soon.

How To Review A Video Game Using a 10 point system.

A little something I made to help my fellow Gamers understand how most reviews work. Take it with some humor.

Neon Paradise Zone Act 2

I love this song!! Check out the first one by MaxieDaMan!