
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ascension [Part I]

She grasped his hand held onto his arm laid her head on his chest. "I don't understand. What does this mean?" She looked up to him for a response. He slowly smiled and caressed her hair. "I don't think it would be possible for you to understand how I feel... It's not your fault." He slowly removed her hands and stepped aside. The look on his face was of unknown determination. She quickly pulled him back with an upsetting tone, "What does that supposed to mean?!" He stopped , "It simply means we do not share the same path... Or the same vision...." She placed her hand over her chest and turned him around. A tear ran down her cheek. She bit her lip and blinked, confused by his words. She could only feel her heartbreaking. She gripped her fist. "If you want to leave me... go on...." She buried her face in his chest. He placed his hand on her head and held her closely. "Please.." He calmly chuckled at the idea, "No, It's not that. It's just that... Have you ever wanted to escape this thing we call a role... our purpose... our destiny... and create your own?" She wiped her face and laughed a bit, "Oh that? I thought you were going to leave me for a second there!" She turned around laughed giggled. "There you go again, thinking too much. Why would I want to escape my destiny when it is here....with you..." She wrapped her arms his neck and closed her eyes. He released a heavy sigh from realizing that he fell into her game. "Sometimes I wish those tears from your eyes could be more sincere..."

"Every time I cry for you. My heartaches, the pain is sincere enough." She moves slowly towards his face yearning for his lips. He closes his eyes and presses his lips against hers. She smiled and looked at him. For a split second he began to smile, before his dilemma returned. She quickly frowned in disappointment at his refusal of her attempted charm. She crossed her arms and turned away. "Are you bored of me?"

He laughed, "Don't be so insecure..." She quickly snapped, "I'm serious." He quickly came back with a response, "No it's not about you!" She stepped back from him, "Please don't raise your voice."

He looked at her and raised his eyebrow. She held her pout then burst out laughing. He chuckled at this, "Since you are so infatuated with acting like a human girl, why don't you go to Earth and charm all the human boys." He smirked and walked off. She pursued him. "You don't find my gentle teasing cute? What's been bothering you lately?" He shrugged at the thought,"It's amusing.... Especially since I know you're not that type of woman, but I suppose you enjoy the feel of being dramatic. I can hold my own against any woman, so my love will never be a problem."

"You're cheating on me..."

"Get serious. You're all I need."

"Then why are you so unhappy?"

"We spend our entire existence dedicated to this observatory, only watching with only each other to entertain ourselves. It's like being trapped in a box. Why do we choose to live our lives in such a manner?! I understand we were created to become apart of a system to maintain 'Order', still are we not intelligent beings capable of individual thought? Why can't I carry my own existence according to my own free will... I don't want to spend eternity" He saw that her concerned look had became unhappy. He grabbed her hand. "One day I want to leave this observatory with you and go away to somewhere else where we can be free to live according to our own choices...I just want to get away to a place where together we can be free of these responsibilities and to pursue whatever we want."

"Why?! What's wrong with being here with me?!"

"Don't you get it?! Don't you feel like you're trapped here?! Don't you want to live your own life freely?!"

"I am living my life freely! You're the only person I want to be with! I don't care where we are! As long as I'm with......." She became silent. "What's wrong with you?...... our place is here...." she grabbed his hand. "Together....." He closed his eyes and bottled his words, his free hand tightened into a fist displaying his anger. She quickly spoke,"Please, don't hate me for this... This is all I know, and I'm just happy being with you. He opened his eyes and looked at her, "I will always love you..." He kissed her on the cheek and left the equatorial room.

As he walked down path to the library the hallway lit up with each step. As light shone into the the windows the glass became stained with images depicting the story of The Universe, The Perfects, The Defects, and The Origin. The Origin watched from the heavens, accompanied by The Perfects, created by the very will of the Origin. The Defects were originally Perfects that strayed away from the Path of The Perfects, finding their own path they changed greatly and gained an opposition towards Perfection.

"Of course you wouldn't understand... In your  eyes... all you can see is me. I wish it was that easy..."

[To Be Continued]

Path to True Villainy

"The funny thing about Nightmares is that they are created by us from our fears, thus it serves us by presenting and unwanted fate or future for one later in life. It scares us because it is an unknown destiny, yet feels so terrifyingly real that we believe it's possible. A True Nightmare, however I find is kinda poetic and entertaining, to watch a man try to escape an undesired fate only to end up becoming what he feared in the first place. That is a True Nightmare."

                                                                                                                                             -Arc Christelle    

When I was a kid I started watching shows with puppets and superheroes.

The puppets were friendly, they taught me not only how to count and how to read, but they also taught me lessons in life. I idolized superheroes, because they dedicated their life to fighting crime, unlawfulness and any "evil" doings that were present. When I was kid, I believed in "Heroes" and "Justice" and when comes a great adversity, a man with a good heart will always prevail. Good and evil, the fight goes on to save the world. Always fight for justice, never surrender to evil. Always stand up for what you believe in.

I was raised to believe in the existence of God Almighty, and his son, Jesus Christ, and without question I followed those beliefs, only to fear what would happen to me if I didn't. After all, no one wants to go to Hell, especially a young boy. God will guide me throughout life to become a great young man. In a world where warriors were no longer existent, humanity used the power of "religion" to bring discipline, value, and morals to their homes. The ideas of philosophies, and other past disciplines became irrelevant, especially in a country where Christian belief was upheld. Despite the methods of how it was brought to people of African American Heritage or any other ethnicity. This was seen as the only way, and I as well walked with my eyes closed, only carrying faith and the will to believe.

I believed in love, and that we all as a people throughout best and worst must love each other in order to make it in this world together. I believed in falling in love and romance, I wanted to meet a wonderful young lady one day, and I'll treat her like a queen, I'll give her everything and my feelings shall never change, I shall always remain faithful and put her above the most.

I believed in success. One day we'll all accomplish our dreams and our future will be bright as the sun. The world could not hold us back from anything.

As time passed, I aged and started to experience life with other beings in this life I share this world with.....

The funny thing about the villainous lifestyle was that it was a side that exists in all of us. The primal need for power and control, and in time that need has even taken control of me. I am not a villain, but I have thought about it. When asked about my path and what I desired, I replied, "I only seek power, I do not seek glory or other useless things, I just want the power to live my life as I please."

The villain inside me looks at the world, just like every other villain before me. I also shared dislike of villains because they were simply shown as the enemy to the world. They were seen as a threat because of the way they approached things. I didn't understand what was their purpose and why they chose these actions. But now I can understand. It makes me wonder, were all villains good people once and what did it take for them to turn against the world. To go out to control it.

Some people may say selfishness, which can be true, but there is only so much selfishness a real villain can display. The best villains do not seek to control others, but to control the situation and the world around them. They tread carefully, yet confidently. They are no mere "thug" or "goon" they are Men of Power.

I believed in Good and Justice and met defeat at the hands of selfish men.

It hurts.

I believed in love and ended up heartbroken.

It hurts.

I believed in success and met failure.

It hurts.

I believed in God, but when I opened my eyes to see what was before me, I realized that I've been walking through the woods staring at the sky. I realized that "God" was more than just an image, and whether his existence was definite was beyond my knowledge, and that I may never know until death, and still may not know after that. There was more than one answer to find divinity and enlightenment, some chose to leave their problems to a higher power. Eventually I found that to be lazy and that brought no improvement to who I really was, just a bunch of excuses and blame on everything that wasn't there to escape the shames of my own decision. I will not become like them. I will not use "God" as an escape from the world, I will no longer blindly follow a flawed path filled with contradicting sheep! I will become a wolf. I will find my own! I will do good because I choose to, every sin, everything I do, I will acknowledge my own free will and live by it, accepting the choices I make no matter what, and if I am to be shamed,  So be it.  If I must fall to hell for the decisions I have made during this lifetime. I will accept it. This is my choice, my will. I may no longer follow religion, but that never meant that I never understood God. I was taught he was understanding, loving, and forgiving. He knows where my heart is. How I feel. Why I made these decisions. He knows if I'm truly good or not, and I don't need to follow anyone to know that.

The very second I walked out of the line I felt it. The glaring eyes of the sheep. Everyone I once saw as friends and comrades no longer saw me as friend, or family. To them I was worse than any sinner, any murderer, rapist, or fornicator. They saw me as defective. Crazy. The love I had for them remained the same, yet the love they had for me quickly dispersed. It hurt. But it only showed me the true ways of those I call friends, and family.

I felt alone.

It hurts.

I believed in Humanity, the biggest of all disappointments, upsets. Mankind bound to their desires, ambitions and uttermost useless cause. As these self-righteous bastards force their beliefs upon one other, relentlessly shamelessly. And all those who didn't follow in the same line as every other fucking sheep and had the nerve to develop individual thought were cut down like blades of grass. How dare you judge me for my choices, and you live your life of deception lies, distrust, constant shame, no I am not perfect, no I am not holier than thou, but I know I am better than what bullshit........... Humans..... this body so unnecessary.

It's a plague.

Mankind.....has fallen in my eyes.

I must save mankind.... from themselves. Even if I have to become the enemy.

Friday, March 18, 2011


When I was younger I used to look into the future. The future was my only escape in a world that felt boxed in my wings were withheld against my will. I sat there alone and waited patiently for chance to get away and escape to the future.

When I was younger I gazed into the future and I could see everything. I could see my dreams coming to a reality, I saw wealth, happiness, satisfaction, content, and love. I saw a future that only offered the best for me. My future will be bright.

When I escaped, I met new friends, and I was no longer alone. I found a pack of wolves I could relate to, and as I looked into the future, I saw everything. I saw fun, discovery, and happiness. My future seemed exciting.

When I saw you, and in your eyes, I saw the future, and in the future, I saw everything, because I saw you. You were my everything. In that future, only you and I existed, nothing else.

When You and I finally made love I looked into the future and I could see everything. I could see you as my wife, I could see our household, kids, perhaps a dog, happiness. I could see you, holding my hand and that was all I needed. My future looked promising.

When we parted ways, I took a shower and sat down for a second to think. I thought about the past, I thought about you... At first I thought, "I'll simply continue on." I didn't expect that it'd take this long. I didn't expect it to hurt this much. I tried to find the future, the future I once saw, the love I once had, was forever lost.

As time progressed and placed the memories of the past in the past. I looked into the mirror. As I gazed into the eyes of my reflection I sought out my future. I stared deep, looking for my future, and I found it...

In my future... I saw nothing. I didn't see all of those things I originally saw. I didn't see a path to success, love, or happiness.... In my future, all I saw was me. In my future I saw myself, standing in at a road that had various paths, some leading to other paths, some returning to the original.

In my future, I saw everything. and everything....was me. I wasn't sure where I was going as I walked down this road, but one thing remained certain- I was going somewhere. Over the time somewhere I didn't understand what this meant. It was clear that I forgot why was my future was so important in the first place. I forgot my dreams.... I forgot about my future.....

I forgot.

Arc & Status [vol.5]

Time for an update, been trying to do things differently and life is starting to move forward. Finally got a job so now I can look forward to happy income and leave those broke melancholy days behind me. Saying that actually  puts a smile on face. Speaking of face, I deactivated my Facebook account temporarily. I feel like I'm doing to much on there nowadays and I have a lot of stuff to do on my personal agenda. I've been sticking to my workout, getting some results, which is also cool. I'm gonna have to push harder though. Trying to turn the tables around and win I suppose. After all I said this I will accept no more losses. So I'm breaking myself down and rebuilding myself to win. I'm sorry I haven't been consistent with updates. Usually when I come to Blogger the ideas leave my head and I start half-assing my work, but I'm pretty sure no matter what I release and you might think some of my work is great, but to me it's gonna always be garbage, and that is a good thing. I'm trying to return to a more reclusive/self-productive nature so I can go further towards my goal of putting myself out there. If you still trying to keep up with me, I appreciate you reading this, I will still be on twitter however.

Much Love to everyone out there.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I was just thinking how much I've learned regarding human nature, technology, and the world. Information that passes through the world comes to me and information that passes me goes to the world. I can take time to research things, and see what gets people moving; how we share our knowledge, how we share our emotions, passion, influences, ideas, dreams, tastes. It's like a universal form of Unity, and I guess in some sense the Internet is a part of that although it can be used for malicious means... I heard once that know one every really changes, I told him to shut the hell up and look at the world now, look at the investment of mankind and where we stand now, still growing. They said the skies the limit, but we passed the sky and went into space. Space is considered to be infinite, so as the universe, and as long as mankind exists... the the will of Humanity is Infinite.

That is the power of Infinity.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Still Moment..... [Loser]

We laughed for that one minute. She checked her cell and it was time to go... before she walked off she slowed down and looked back at me...

I smiled and waved good bye, I'll catch ya later! Haha!

We laughed for that one minute. She checked her cell and it was time to go... before she walked off she slowed down and looked back at me...

I smiled and walked off with her, "Yo mind if I call you later on?"
We laughed for that one minute. She checked her cell and it was time to go... before she walked off she slowed down and looked back at me...

Back to work
We laughed for that one minute. She checked her cell and it was time to go... before she walked off she slowed down and looked back at me...

I just stoood there and watched her leave.
I should've chose B. -facepalm-!!!!
If you play it safe all your life and never take a chance...Then what do you expect?... Welcome to loneliness homie.

Lust (Am I a Monster?) [+18] Part One.

If I were to have a "problem" or "weakness" I'd say sexual appetite.... but then again. I'm mad reserved. So even when I grasp those passionate embodiments of desire I hold my ground, because you never know when they're ready to self-destruct. Then again, I want to just lay down with a female enjoy company, laugh, and relax as I love her sensibly [then turn that chick around and fuck that bitch senselessly]. I never lose my morals and standards [but at times I feel like I want/need to do the damn thing.]

Hold up...
Hold up...

Did you just laugh? I know you ain't laughin....

Sometimes I sit and watch others who like to hit up and fuck others, and I'm like, "Eww.... how the hell do they do that?" I'm not saying I have a case of nympomania, but after dumb ass events I decided I don't want a relationship.

[So what you want?]

Someone I can chill and talk to, laugh make jokes, take it easy and relax with then after that [me and her can go into the backseat, she can reverse cowgirl as I smack her ass and pull her and bend her back like an attack from a monster, until that freaky slut just cums all in my lap and as she moans and groans, I can only help but laugh at her squeals and reactions as I discover the filthy the shit that bitch just loves to do.....Woah. I'm ego trippin.]

What if she's not into sex?

[Then she's about to be. I'll break her in like fresh timbs as I go on a climbing spree!]

But I'm a good guy?

[What the fuck does this have to do with this situation? She acts goody goody, give her the knob and she'll slob on your dick like it's fucking bacon! Are you hungry? Then please try these nuts in then after I cum on you face I test your butt!!!]



Not cool.


By the way check out this interesting article on Nymphomania and brain activity.

Random Shit [Food, Kobe, and Dirty Coons]

I was chilling at the school for a bit and a friend of mine threw this up....
I hope no one gets this hungry or it's game set and match!



Ok I couldn't wait to see this crazy shit ever since I saw the trailer.

Here's the ...wait it's only 5 minutes?.... Cool. -shrug-

Best 5 minutes I've ever wasted.

And time for nature's lil thief....

I'm out!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Observation about The Levels of "Love"

This is a reply to a message that a Ash sent me:

RT"@FactsAboutBoys: The difference between "like" "love" and "in love" is the same as the difference between "for now" "for a while" and "forever"" --> ha !!
I believe u can love someone without being in love with them.


I meant to post this:

When I experienced "Love" I never thought about the differences about "like", "love", or "in love". I never thought about "how long" or "how much". I just knew that this was a person I cared about alot and I wanted her in my life, one can even say need, and I would do anything necessary to keep us together. I simply saw only her in the end. But it's funny how something like that could be simple for me, but complicated for her.

Don't blur your vision with nonsense.


I wonder..... I really never believed in the differences... When I told her I loved her, that's what I meant, and I would do all that I could or atleast what I felt was right to an extent.

"I think you love me, but you're not in love with me."

That sentence pisses me off so much you have no clue. So I ask those very same people who see love like that, what kind of overexaggerated bullshit you feel that love should be? Because if all I see are you and me, then where am I fucking up at? I have plenty of friends and they piss me off all the time, but at the end of the day I know they have my back, and if we do get mad at each other we're willing to work out our differences and compromise. So if I don't have to go to war with my fellow man, then why the fuck must I battle my lady? Or better yet my lover?


Arc & Status [vol.4] Back to work Edition

If you haven't been tuned in, last month's been a mixture of slacking/mixed/productivity/job attempts, if you have but couldn't tell then all I can say is.... OF COURSE NOT! I HAVEN'T POSTED ANYTHING AS OF LATELY!!!! Which is kinda funny compared to my January section which I did at least 15  posts, February only helped me produce a measly 2. How depressing. Anyway, as I promised I'm making changes to the site, I need to update the love and lust sections, I have started working on a script for my first vid, which will be an introduction to the future content to come, as well as some other stuff. I'm considering posting info on games and gaming, because it might make things easy to combine everything into one which equals myself, instead of trying to put limits on the blog, because some days I just either watching vids from various games or vids that I thought was interesting. So instead of sharing that ish on Facebook, it would be mad resourceful to share all of my links and videos here with you all on The Infinite Space.

With that being said, pretty soon I plan to temporarily deactivate my facebook so that I can focus more on this blog and original content. Once I get the ball rolling I will return. I will remain on twitter so you can add me at Arc_Christelle.

Other than that, any feelings regarding this, comment or send me a message or something.

Let's put some people out there!!!


First some of my homies from AiA, Rahyel Wiley (Izzy), and Markus Pedro Caban (MPC). Two dudes during the days of 440, sat around and making beats and whatnot started a group or a label.  Their vibe runs from awkward to mad depth.

You can check their stuff on Facebook,

You can check out MPC's ish on SoundCloud.

The Drifters (Session Part 2) by MPC (Markus Pedro Caban)

They're getting mad followers, you should check it out when you get a chance including my boy Ray Bolden aka Bobby Swole!