Geezus. This week has sucked for me. I appreciate the views and that one guy from Canada who just so happened to stumble onto my page. Mad love/props whatever. This blog is doing pretty decent so you can be sure that this isn't the source of suck at the moment. The source of suck was from my lack of funds this week and the inevitable running out of food. Those cup ramen tried their best to last. Yesterday I had no food but some frost burned pork chops which felt like I was chewing leather. Like seriously my teeth are still aching..... But with all that said I might be taking a break after this week on the blog to prepare some more content to add to the blog, like some artwork, banners, ads, shit like that. Some extras and stuff. New laptop coming soon. So yep....
Anyway. Check these mofos out.
My boy Van (V.C.Productions) has been working some stuff you might wanna check out when you get a chance. If you want to buy some instrumentals or anything from him. He's an audio major from AiA and a colleague of mine.
check out his Youtube page!!
In other news, if you like the news like I do, but like to laugh at funny shit in the news check out The Onion News Network on IFC and if you don't have IFC watch Onion SportDome on Comedy Central, both of those shows are funny as hell.
And............. Snakes.
Look for a few more updates and some more to come....
Leave the past behind, but fill free to return to reflect on how far you've come.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
The Ultimate Contradiction
1. the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
2. the highest degree of proficiency, skill, or excellence, as in some art.
3. a perfect embodiment or example of something.
4. a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence.
5. the highest or most nearly perfect degree of a quality or trait.
6. the act or fact of perfecting.
-Definition from
To become perfect, to become flawless. The impossible, the unattainable. This is a goal of mine. To achieve the status of the Ultimate Contradiction. To be perfect is to become flawless, which cause a severe flaw, because without flaws, we lack what makes us who we are; the mistakes and choices that shaped us to be who we are. Therefore, the thing that was once "Perfect" is no longer. But obtaining that very same flaw gives what is necessary to become "Perfect". Therefore making it Perfect. That's right you just got looped.
Welcome to The Infinite Space.
1. the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
2. the highest degree of proficiency, skill, or excellence, as in some art.
3. a perfect embodiment or example of something.
4. a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence.
5. the highest or most nearly perfect degree of a quality or trait.
6. the act or fact of perfecting.
-Definition from
To become perfect, to become flawless. The impossible, the unattainable. This is a goal of mine. To achieve the status of the Ultimate Contradiction. To be perfect is to become flawless, which cause a severe flaw, because without flaws, we lack what makes us who we are; the mistakes and choices that shaped us to be who we are. Therefore, the thing that was once "Perfect" is no longer. But obtaining that very same flaw gives what is necessary to become "Perfect". Therefore making it Perfect. That's right you just got looped.
Welcome to The Infinite Space.
Make Me Forget (Her)
I'm a man who has been broken into. My box is empty, my hearts been stolen and shattered. The once red stained glass has become purple as I've been tossed aside. Left alone, only memories remain. The memories of the past events, the feelings of love. That shit only exists to haunt me. Her voice, her touch, the passion, from the thought of the deep breaths to the sensous moans. The happiness, the sadness. All of it I hate it. I've been plagued and I can't escape it. It all vexes the once hardened wolf.
A wild beast can't be domesticated!
Take this shit away from me! Ugh!
I want to forget it all! I want to toss it all aside just like she did me!
Fuck that bitch! I hate her!!!
Gah! I don't want to remember it! None of it! NONE OF IT!!! I FUCKING HATE THESE THOUGHTS! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!
I don't want to smile..... I gave everything and now.... I have nothing. But memories and lessons....
Then there's you. Beautiful sweet you. You have no clue about what you're getting into... You only know as much about me as I let you know. Neither you nor her can ever comprehend me, she feared me.... and so will you....
I'm asking you to take care of me.
Allow me to use you, allow me inside you. Tonight let me love you. I want to get trapped in your phermones to the point where my mind is wiped clean of everything. Tonight, only you and I exist. Clense me of a once innocent purity, and free me of such a damning past. Show me you're better. Take my mind away, I am yours.
Use me!
Fuck me until the point nothing matters, I don't drink often and I don't smoke, I guess the only true high is from you.
Free me, from the cage of memories.
Free me, from the grasp of the past.
Free me, from myself and my heart.
I am only a wild dog, and now you're my bitch.
A wild beast can't be domesticated!
Take this shit away from me! Ugh!
I want to forget it all! I want to toss it all aside just like she did me!
Fuck that bitch! I hate her!!!
Gah! I don't want to remember it! None of it! NONE OF IT!!! I FUCKING HATE THESE THOUGHTS! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!
I don't want to smile..... I gave everything and now.... I have nothing. But memories and lessons....
Then there's you. Beautiful sweet you. You have no clue about what you're getting into... You only know as much about me as I let you know. Neither you nor her can ever comprehend me, she feared me.... and so will you....
I'm asking you to take care of me.
Allow me to use you, allow me inside you. Tonight let me love you. I want to get trapped in your phermones to the point where my mind is wiped clean of everything. Tonight, only you and I exist. Clense me of a once innocent purity, and free me of such a damning past. Show me you're better. Take my mind away, I am yours.
Use me!
Fuck me until the point nothing matters, I don't drink often and I don't smoke, I guess the only true high is from you.
Free me, from the cage of memories.
Free me, from the grasp of the past.
Free me, from myself and my heart.
I am only a wild dog, and now you're my bitch.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Randoms of The Day.
I love reading Sinfest, I find the comic strip quite amusing. Tatsuya Ishida got mad skill when it comes to humor and style, check it out when you get a chance. Slick, Monique, Squiggy, and others mocking life and society. You know, sane humor.

You can read more comic strips at
Also look out for Yenny by Dave Alvarez, I'm also a big fan of that too. Yenny's trying to to be a super model but besides her voluptuous curves her only other down fall is her feet.

I hear the comic is supposed to be getting an animated series soon, so you might want to check that out.
You can read more comic strips at
Also look out for Yenny by Dave Alvarez, I'm also a big fan of that too. Yenny's trying to to be a super model but besides her voluptuous curves her only other down fall is her feet.
I hear the comic is supposed to be getting an animated series soon, so you might want to check that out.
The Trinity of Success and Failure.
Money, Power, Women..........
For a man all three has all to offer, yet they all have the power to bring a man to a self-destructive demise.
"As I smile sitting on tops of stacks of cash my name rises to be used in every household atleast 20 times a day. Your child wants to be just like me, your girl would like to fuck me, and you'd do anything to bow to me. Idolize me, worship me, praise me, watch me, and if you're good enough, then you too can be like me. HA! Just playing ya! You can never get anywhere trying to be me."
These are the words of a man who has fallen off the path.
The money was necessary in order to survive in my society and live comfortably, the power was in order to control my destiny, the women or woman was to ensure a source of companionship, "love" and a future opportunity for ensuring the continuation of my legacy. All three of these used responsibly in order to make it. It takes a wise man to survive, and a great man to make it.
Keep in mind as you move on throughout the future to be aware of these three benefits, because within your very foundation of the road to happiness lies the intent to corrupt and destroy everything you were, and all you've believed in.
As you obsess over your income your ideas and thoughts become jaded. As you once shared with the world, the puriest of intent, filled with heart and drive, you now lack the need to continue what you desired to show out of your work. Sales matter, it's all about business baby, dolla dolla bills y'all!! You alter yourself to the beat of insecurity as you flaunt your superficiality and no one seems to have a problem with it since you're still making money and kids are eating it up right? So let's feed them ignorance.
As you rise in the ranks of the company you once kissed the feet of, you once planned to bring you insight into the future of the company and be the best thing since, now every move you make is only to gain what those who were once before you had. You no longer take risks, fuck that, and if it's true but doesn't make you look good, the best option is to deny it. Good guys end up homeless in the corporate world and dead in the underground.
The women, the bitches, the hoes, even if you don't call them bitches collectively verbally from the tongue, you can't deny you haven't thought about it. They prey upon a man to devour his dreams in order to satisfy selfish goals, dreams, and agendas of their own. Your insatiable lust and your loneliness leaves you open for female dogs, but then what does it matter to you? You're getting pussy, that pussy wasn't there yesterday but now it is here today, and you can have it any way. The confidence of being able to have what you want and do what you want without judgement, because face it, everybody wants a piece of you and you're the mothafucka the shit. Well so you believe....
As those three advantages build up your self esteem, powering up your arrogance, because now that you have what you want you no longer need to believe in dreams, the money create the users out of the bitches you tried to abuse, who point out the flaws in your power, leaving you open to hit you where it hurts, that little empty space in your heart while taking everything and leaving nothing.
If you lose focus all will be lost to the point where even the Infinite Space cannot save you.
Take heed my friend.
For a man all three has all to offer, yet they all have the power to bring a man to a self-destructive demise.
"As I smile sitting on tops of stacks of cash my name rises to be used in every household atleast 20 times a day. Your child wants to be just like me, your girl would like to fuck me, and you'd do anything to bow to me. Idolize me, worship me, praise me, watch me, and if you're good enough, then you too can be like me. HA! Just playing ya! You can never get anywhere trying to be me."
These are the words of a man who has fallen off the path.
The money was necessary in order to survive in my society and live comfortably, the power was in order to control my destiny, the women or woman was to ensure a source of companionship, "love" and a future opportunity for ensuring the continuation of my legacy. All three of these used responsibly in order to make it. It takes a wise man to survive, and a great man to make it.
Keep in mind as you move on throughout the future to be aware of these three benefits, because within your very foundation of the road to happiness lies the intent to corrupt and destroy everything you were, and all you've believed in.
As you obsess over your income your ideas and thoughts become jaded. As you once shared with the world, the puriest of intent, filled with heart and drive, you now lack the need to continue what you desired to show out of your work. Sales matter, it's all about business baby, dolla dolla bills y'all!! You alter yourself to the beat of insecurity as you flaunt your superficiality and no one seems to have a problem with it since you're still making money and kids are eating it up right? So let's feed them ignorance.
As you rise in the ranks of the company you once kissed the feet of, you once planned to bring you insight into the future of the company and be the best thing since, now every move you make is only to gain what those who were once before you had. You no longer take risks, fuck that, and if it's true but doesn't make you look good, the best option is to deny it. Good guys end up homeless in the corporate world and dead in the underground.
The women, the bitches, the hoes, even if you don't call them bitches collectively verbally from the tongue, you can't deny you haven't thought about it. They prey upon a man to devour his dreams in order to satisfy selfish goals, dreams, and agendas of their own. Your insatiable lust and your loneliness leaves you open for female dogs, but then what does it matter to you? You're getting pussy, that pussy wasn't there yesterday but now it is here today, and you can have it any way. The confidence of being able to have what you want and do what you want without judgement, because face it, everybody wants a piece of you and you're the mothafucka the shit. Well so you believe....
As those three advantages build up your self esteem, powering up your arrogance, because now that you have what you want you no longer need to believe in dreams, the money create the users out of the bitches you tried to abuse, who point out the flaws in your power, leaving you open to hit you where it hurts, that little empty space in your heart while taking everything and leaving nothing.
If you lose focus all will be lost to the point where even the Infinite Space cannot save you.
Take heed my friend.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Arc & Status [vol.2]
You know with college there's things I would like to discuss, which I probably will in future updates. Observations of a Generation filled Y's is a look back at the current generation, tech-savvy, with a lot handed down, but still lack a lot in order for this country to prosper. I learned alot in my time in college (still am) and I made a lot of friends. One of the most important things I'm learning is that college, teaches and trains others to work for others. A wise student will create their own and profit from it instead of letting schools profit on you.
Much love to all my viewers all 5.....6....7....of you.....
ANYWAYS! Yep. Always push for the best and let's strive together to change the future. This is dedicated to everyone out there who strive for better.
When I was in AiA I met a woman that was just too cool and funky, Keisha Boston, aka DaMadScientist, Krazie Keisha, etc. now Mrs. Keisha Veras! lol. She taught me a lot when I was in Aia right before I left. I think the most insightful time with her was during a ride back to North Avenue and I got to talk to her about attending school. It's funny that even with the lessons I still made mistakes, but it's never too late, so keep your head up!
She's the creative affiliate of the label Knight Life, led by Keisha Knight (different Keshia) who is the lead singer of Indika Rocks, keeping it positive, in order to make the world a better place.
Check out her page and INDIKA ROCKS with her latest single- Seasons Change.
All fans of Nujabes rejoice, check out ihiphopanonymous's Youtube page. He has various using music from Nujabes, Fat Jon, Nas, Common, Mos Def, and others. R.I.P. Jun Seba -aka Nujabes (1974-2010)
It's been awhile since I've listened to some stuff from MaxieDaMan or DJ Max-E. But it appears he's still out there making tracks and he's still dope. Check out some of his tracks and remixes from games like Street Fighter III both 2nd Impact and 3rd Strike and plenty other games like Sonic and Knuckles.
May the future be with you.
Much love to all my viewers all 5.....6....7....of you.....
ANYWAYS! Yep. Always push for the best and let's strive together to change the future. This is dedicated to everyone out there who strive for better.
When I was in AiA I met a woman that was just too cool and funky, Keisha Boston, aka DaMadScientist, Krazie Keisha, etc. now Mrs. Keisha Veras! lol. She taught me a lot when I was in Aia right before I left. I think the most insightful time with her was during a ride back to North Avenue and I got to talk to her about attending school. It's funny that even with the lessons I still made mistakes, but it's never too late, so keep your head up!
She's the creative affiliate of the label Knight Life, led by Keisha Knight (different Keshia) who is the lead singer of Indika Rocks, keeping it positive, in order to make the world a better place.
Check out her page and INDIKA ROCKS with her latest single- Seasons Change.
All fans of Nujabes rejoice, check out ihiphopanonymous's Youtube page. He has various using music from Nujabes, Fat Jon, Nas, Common, Mos Def, and others. R.I.P. Jun Seba -aka Nujabes (1974-2010)
It's been awhile since I've listened to some stuff from MaxieDaMan or DJ Max-E. But it appears he's still out there making tracks and he's still dope. Check out some of his tracks and remixes from games like Street Fighter III both 2nd Impact and 3rd Strike and plenty other games like Sonic and Knuckles.
May the future be with you.
Observations of a Generation Filled With Y's.
The Youtube generation, once were thrusted into Myspace, filled with all the info on their personal space which now you can read in a book with their face. We wake up seeing Bill come into Monica and watch him leave out the House of White or well the House where once only white men tread, speaking of Bush and before, now we've got the Son of Hope, Obama to make up for it. But hope comes easy, and leaves even quicker with impatience, because you can't have the world given to you in one day.
With an iPod in hand, laptop in another, we believe in Google Almighty for with Google all things are possible, productively or non-productively. A generation of kids who want to sit, relax, and have fun while getting things leisurely done. We're all think we're special every last one. Well not exactly all of us, because a lot are socially witheld, since the most form of communication is done online or Xbox Live.
I read once that my generation will lack in culture, and originality, as we post everything through Youtube and blogs, it was once believed that the spirit of art is dead and culture. As I look at my generation I can't help but to wonder as well.... All I see is pop, and now I'm yelling "No Pop"like I'm Common. Club hits are what's marketed and pop trendy house music.....blech.
Every once in a while you can find some real stuff you can play, but most of the time you gotta look back in time faraway. To escape the ignorance, you gotta dig deep in the dirt to find that diamond of relativity. As anime and Toonami inspired some of us and we learned lessons, for some it made us stupid, for others it was just ignored.
As we photoshop, illustrate, indesign, whatever the hell and create, even the silliest of ish in the world can be considered art through one eyes, and nonsense in another. So what's the use of believing we're special? Because it's been that way throughout time and history. The greatest lesson I've learned is that Art is Style. But still that lesson, hasn't been learned throughout the majority of my generation, so the future looks scary. As for-profit schools and colleges target us with welcoming arms, promising us the gift of creativity and the knowledge to create our own, but in return we are not catered for and these efforts become wasted, as loans are withdrawn, placing us in debt. We desperately search for work, but a job is not what you get. A generation of worker bees, I wonder out of how many of is a boss. I know longer seek to change the plate that's been handed to me, but to create a new one of my own. Seeking power to crush what has already been placed before me and create a new world with in it's ashes. I'm a dreamer, and perhaps I have dreams like everyone else, but I have dreams to create with the tools an empire for the future, unlike all the rest.
Once I looked at the world and this Generation with intolerance and arrogance, but despite my disapproval for the path the world takes; remember pay attention, because in due time the world will change.
I'm apart of the New Generation, coming in hard with the 2nd Impact, as we prepare to win with a 3rd Strike.
Mankind shall have the Earth, for the Infinity of Space will always be mine.
-Arc Christelle
With an iPod in hand, laptop in another, we believe in Google Almighty for with Google all things are possible, productively or non-productively. A generation of kids who want to sit, relax, and have fun while getting things leisurely done. We're all think we're special every last one. Well not exactly all of us, because a lot are socially witheld, since the most form of communication is done online or Xbox Live.
I read once that my generation will lack in culture, and originality, as we post everything through Youtube and blogs, it was once believed that the spirit of art is dead and culture. As I look at my generation I can't help but to wonder as well.... All I see is pop, and now I'm yelling "No Pop"like I'm Common. Club hits are what's marketed and pop trendy house music.....blech.
Every once in a while you can find some real stuff you can play, but most of the time you gotta look back in time faraway. To escape the ignorance, you gotta dig deep in the dirt to find that diamond of relativity. As anime and Toonami inspired some of us and we learned lessons, for some it made us stupid, for others it was just ignored.
As we photoshop, illustrate, indesign, whatever the hell and create, even the silliest of ish in the world can be considered art through one eyes, and nonsense in another. So what's the use of believing we're special? Because it's been that way throughout time and history. The greatest lesson I've learned is that Art is Style. But still that lesson, hasn't been learned throughout the majority of my generation, so the future looks scary. As for-profit schools and colleges target us with welcoming arms, promising us the gift of creativity and the knowledge to create our own, but in return we are not catered for and these efforts become wasted, as loans are withdrawn, placing us in debt. We desperately search for work, but a job is not what you get. A generation of worker bees, I wonder out of how many of is a boss. I know longer seek to change the plate that's been handed to me, but to create a new one of my own. Seeking power to crush what has already been placed before me and create a new world with in it's ashes. I'm a dreamer, and perhaps I have dreams like everyone else, but I have dreams to create with the tools an empire for the future, unlike all the rest.
Once I looked at the world and this Generation with intolerance and arrogance, but despite my disapproval for the path the world takes; remember pay attention, because in due time the world will change.
I'm apart of the New Generation, coming in hard with the 2nd Impact, as we prepare to win with a 3rd Strike.
Mankind shall have the Earth, for the Infinity of Space will always be mine.
-Arc Christelle
Friday, January 21, 2011
Random Shit of The Day.
My friend Maurice showed it to me, hilarious. I guess that's a symbol of when you're doing a good thing.
Arc Christelle is the name.
I was asked a while back about my name. Well, actually I've been asked numerous times about it. Questions like, what exactly does it mean, etc. Other than that it's a pretty name???
But the name Arc Christelle is an alias designed to fit more of an egotistical side of me. The passionate perverted views of a creative person. (There was one time I wanted to do erotic art and pin-up.) The name is used to define my side as a romantic and a deviant, perhaps even as a narcississt. So when I release these types of stories or graphic images of a sensuous nature, I choose to do it under the pen-name, "Arc Christelle."
I often tell people, there's "Young Anti, Cal, and then there's Arc Christelle." Young Anti was an alias I had back in 2006 originally when I joined Xbox Live, because the style of "Anti" which was saying "One against everything" fitted my nature at the time. So that name strives to take on all culture in order to create a culture of it's own. In my Tales of Infinite Space, before Arc Christelle came to be, there was once a man named ANTI who journeyed to New Babylon to face the man known as KING. Anti wants nothing more than to destroy King in order to gain power, enough power to change the world into his own image. Ironically they were one in the same. In the end, Anti loses everything and becomes one with Hero ultimately becoming a new being, and destroys The Order of New Babylon. As the story of the happening spreads across the globe, a wandering stranger is asked his name, he responds with, a fabricated alias, Arc Christelle.
In a way each of my aliases/pen-names have become characters in my own universe, expressing different sides of me. As time will pass down I will share more about the character, "Arc Christelle" and the story of his journey through The Infinite Space as well as his past.
But the name Arc Christelle is an alias designed to fit more of an egotistical side of me. The passionate perverted views of a creative person. (There was one time I wanted to do erotic art and pin-up.) The name is used to define my side as a romantic and a deviant, perhaps even as a narcississt. So when I release these types of stories or graphic images of a sensuous nature, I choose to do it under the pen-name, "Arc Christelle."
I often tell people, there's "Young Anti, Cal, and then there's Arc Christelle." Young Anti was an alias I had back in 2006 originally when I joined Xbox Live, because the style of "Anti" which was saying "One against everything" fitted my nature at the time. So that name strives to take on all culture in order to create a culture of it's own. In my Tales of Infinite Space, before Arc Christelle came to be, there was once a man named ANTI who journeyed to New Babylon to face the man known as KING. Anti wants nothing more than to destroy King in order to gain power, enough power to change the world into his own image. Ironically they were one in the same. In the end, Anti loses everything and becomes one with Hero ultimately becoming a new being, and destroys The Order of New Babylon. As the story of the happening spreads across the globe, a wandering stranger is asked his name, he responds with, a fabricated alias, Arc Christelle.
In a way each of my aliases/pen-names have become characters in my own universe, expressing different sides of me. As time will pass down I will share more about the character, "Arc Christelle" and the story of his journey through The Infinite Space as well as his past.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Arc & Status [vol.1]
Well It's not the ideal update I wanted to give you, but it's been something on my mind that I wanted to post so I gave you "My Bitch Tastes Like Candy". I wanted to point out the type of men immature women tend to create, that pretty much turns into a loop of petty heartbreakers and players. Then those women who were once meant to be considered lovers and equals are now seen as booty on the ass market. Those men, who once had love and believed in the opposite, eventually gave them what they wanted, confusion.
Anyway. Clear the air because that isn't what this blog is about. I hope you like the new tracks I added to the Infinite Space, including "Out on a Limb" by the late Teena Marie and "Lay It Down" by Lloyd and Patti LaBelle.
Out on a Limb actually gave me a lot of inspiration on my next post, which will be out soon, sorry for the delay, but yesterday sucked balls for me. Other than that drop a comment or follow me on this blog. I might be releasing a whole new Twitter account soon, to replace my old one so be on the look out for that if you want to contact me, or just look me up on facebook, "Arc Christelle". Even though that might be too personal, but I guess I'm willing to be friendly.
And check out these other pages while you're at it.
At Anime Weekend Atlanta I met Sheena Wiley, one of the coolest people I know from Virginia and she even let me record an interview with her and Michael Sinterniklaas, the voice of Dean Venture from "The Venture Bros." an animated series on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block. I asked if I could promote KI TV on the blog and it was go.
So check it when you get a chance!
Here's some vids of the lovely Sheena Wiley at work!
Other than that look forward to some more upcoming posts and stories from me, your guide into The Infinite Space, Arc Christelle.
Anyway. Clear the air because that isn't what this blog is about. I hope you like the new tracks I added to the Infinite Space, including "Out on a Limb" by the late Teena Marie and "Lay It Down" by Lloyd and Patti LaBelle.
Out on a Limb actually gave me a lot of inspiration on my next post, which will be out soon, sorry for the delay, but yesterday sucked balls for me. Other than that drop a comment or follow me on this blog. I might be releasing a whole new Twitter account soon, to replace my old one so be on the look out for that if you want to contact me, or just look me up on facebook, "Arc Christelle". Even though that might be too personal, but I guess I'm willing to be friendly.
And check out these other pages while you're at it.
At Anime Weekend Atlanta I met Sheena Wiley, one of the coolest people I know from Virginia and she even let me record an interview with her and Michael Sinterniklaas, the voice of Dean Venture from "The Venture Bros." an animated series on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block. I asked if I could promote KI TV on the blog and it was go.
So check it when you get a chance!
Here's some vids of the lovely Sheena Wiley at work!
Other than that look forward to some more upcoming posts and stories from me, your guide into The Infinite Space, Arc Christelle.
My Bitch Tastes Like Candy
I remember a time when I respected women... I was a kid then. Now... I got some chivalrous views at times, but now I'm more of a rudie. I often find myself calling females bitches, but when I think of past experiences. I actually feel justified. That's not even the messed up part.
You know me right? Well you say you do. You love me right? Pfft. You and your nonsense, how cute. How could love me with such emotions on your sleeves? You lack the patience to comprehend the understanding of one who is the likes of me. You love me now you hate me later, you can't even make up your fucking mind as I stay by patiently waiting on you to decide. Now you try to control me. You mean now you can't stand who I am, what I do, what I believe in, none of that? Then why the hell were you with me in the first place?? Now that I'm not the dog you intended for me to be, but a wolf that runs freely... You hate me.
What a surprise. Now you're trying to play me. You see other opportunities? Take 'em because I know it like you know it. He can promise you everything you wanted to hear, but'll soon come up short, and no man will never love you like I loved you, and no man would never put up with the shit that I put up with. You piss me off as you look at me with eyes of emptiness. You no longer love me? After every sacrifice and everytime when I held your head as you cried, what? Fuck you.
I got a plan.
Every woman is thin like paper, so I'll play 'em until I get my fill, then leave 'em once I get annoyed, after all there's always another girl down the road. She can suck and fuck with the best, expect my love but nonetheless I.....don't. As I leave her those feelings last forever, in her head I'm immortal, but to me? She was good now it's done.
As I give the following females dick they laugh and taunt each other quick, combating for my affection, yet they fail in my since they don't know it's no contest. That's right bitch, you're all hoes.
I keep it up, undescriminately, whether she loved me or not, I dealed with too much bullshit to care less to use these bitches until the day one of these chicks have my child then all I can say is..... Damn?
Honestly, I wouldn't know how to react to getting a girl pregnant because a bad reaction just seems rude, yet I'm not prepared to be a father, dude.
If she has daughter I might panic, because of what becomes offered. The young brat who wants to be mature, wants to be a grown up, wants to do grown up things, yet can't seem to fucking grow up because of the selfish way she brings. I will have to defend her from other young men who have fallen off the path like me, then deal with the audacity of this young bitch who seems to say that I can't see I can't understand the love she sees.
And that's just the easier part.
I mean... what if she becomes some kind've undercover slut or an open one? Suckin and fucking her life away???!!!! That's even worse!!! What if she gets Montana Fishburne syndome? And one day I might be surfin up some porno or looking through dirty mags and I see my beautiful daughter taking a money shot right in the face. Embarassing.
Now if she bore me a son. I guess it would be easier, because all I have to do is teach him how to play these young girls and how to avoid the bitches who want in on his heart. We will give him praise as he joings the almighty "Dick-her then ball hards" and give him props as he makes the hearts of both young and grown women stop. Placing them in the swirl of emotions promising the false love in exchange for exchange of a work-out of the body. You clever devil, you. That way, we can go out vacation, meet a trifling mother and her daughter tag-team then we leave em, talk about em when we get home.
Then when his day come for a child, just read up a few paragraphs the loop is solid.
Not a planned future, neither is it definite, but it is possible. Just pointing out what will happen if you don't get your shit together.
I am Arc Christelle..... and this has been, The Infinite Space.
You know me right? Well you say you do. You love me right? Pfft. You and your nonsense, how cute. How could love me with such emotions on your sleeves? You lack the patience to comprehend the understanding of one who is the likes of me. You love me now you hate me later, you can't even make up your fucking mind as I stay by patiently waiting on you to decide. Now you try to control me. You mean now you can't stand who I am, what I do, what I believe in, none of that? Then why the hell were you with me in the first place?? Now that I'm not the dog you intended for me to be, but a wolf that runs freely... You hate me.
What a surprise. Now you're trying to play me. You see other opportunities? Take 'em because I know it like you know it. He can promise you everything you wanted to hear, but'll soon come up short, and no man will never love you like I loved you, and no man would never put up with the shit that I put up with. You piss me off as you look at me with eyes of emptiness. You no longer love me? After every sacrifice and everytime when I held your head as you cried, what? Fuck you.
I got a plan.
Every woman is thin like paper, so I'll play 'em until I get my fill, then leave 'em once I get annoyed, after all there's always another girl down the road. She can suck and fuck with the best, expect my love but nonetheless I.....don't. As I leave her those feelings last forever, in her head I'm immortal, but to me? She was good now it's done.
As I give the following females dick they laugh and taunt each other quick, combating for my affection, yet they fail in my since they don't know it's no contest. That's right bitch, you're all hoes.
I keep it up, undescriminately, whether she loved me or not, I dealed with too much bullshit to care less to use these bitches until the day one of these chicks have my child then all I can say is..... Damn?
Honestly, I wouldn't know how to react to getting a girl pregnant because a bad reaction just seems rude, yet I'm not prepared to be a father, dude.
If she has daughter I might panic, because of what becomes offered. The young brat who wants to be mature, wants to be a grown up, wants to do grown up things, yet can't seem to fucking grow up because of the selfish way she brings. I will have to defend her from other young men who have fallen off the path like me, then deal with the audacity of this young bitch who seems to say that I can't see I can't understand the love she sees.
And that's just the easier part.
I mean... what if she becomes some kind've undercover slut or an open one? Suckin and fucking her life away???!!!! That's even worse!!! What if she gets Montana Fishburne syndome? And one day I might be surfin up some porno or looking through dirty mags and I see my beautiful daughter taking a money shot right in the face. Embarassing.
Now if she bore me a son. I guess it would be easier, because all I have to do is teach him how to play these young girls and how to avoid the bitches who want in on his heart. We will give him praise as he joings the almighty "Dick-her then ball hards" and give him props as he makes the hearts of both young and grown women stop. Placing them in the swirl of emotions promising the false love in exchange for exchange of a work-out of the body. You clever devil, you. That way, we can go out vacation, meet a trifling mother and her daughter tag-team then we leave em, talk about em when we get home.
Then when his day come for a child, just read up a few paragraphs the loop is solid.
Not a planned future, neither is it definite, but it is possible. Just pointing out what will happen if you don't get your shit together.
I am Arc Christelle..... and this has been, The Infinite Space.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
New Morning, Getting Right on a Saturday.
Ok sooo..... This year just starting and in two more months it'll be a year of being single and involuntary celibacy...... Yeah.... I can be go on without a girlfriend for the moment as for the celibacy... You see my last relationship left me kinda heart broken, not only that, but picky as hell. Especially when you had a girl that was the mothafuckin shit, and now you got to find a new female to ride that lap. GAH! ANYWAYS....... Yes, I am getting personal. I told you that in the re-intro, this blog is all about effin me!!!! So..... I've met girls that were cool and all, probably some that even liked me (Too bad I wasn't interested....And then I kind've made it a rule that the next female I give my time to had to be right on the spot or delightfully delicious! Actually looking at these pictures of Yaris Sanchez and Domican Poison (aka Mizz Issy [I love her breasts... >_>]) I want a She either gotta be black or latin (Dominican, Cuban, Brazilian) possibly an Italian girl..... hopefully not the Jersey Shore type. South African girls are fine as hell too. But anyway, all that shit aside, I know you're reading this and you might be of another ethnicity and like.... What about White Girls, Asian Girls, etc.???? White girls are fly and if I had girl that look like a Korean popstar or Ayumi Hamasaki or even better Kumi Koda... Dayummmmm!!!!!!!!! Happiness..... I love all women, and everything about them, and having that perfect beauty you can be yourself and share with is just beautiful.... But still I'm..... not ready for anything too serious. Right now I just need some pussy to douse late night depression. But unlike the most.... I don't care what you say pussy has a face and the girl who gives it to ya has one too. Not to mention the bullshit that a lot of girls, not women, but girls will put you through and will never find out its unecessary. Girls will be girls, and there's a difference between women who want the best and deserve the best. Believe me.
But enough lust. Since I don't have a job at the moment, and it's too late to register for these classes that Arc Christelle gives no damn about. I'm about to work on my body and get in shape. Seriously, I'm cute right???? But I'm a big guy, some girls think it's cute, some girls think it's fat. Welcome to reality. I kind've been missing female company and I'm tired of being the sober guy around my homies, because I don't drink with guys or girls I share no interest in.
So since I got the free time... why not work out? Other than that, work on my art work, Arc Christelle Chibis and whatnot, as well as prepare a love story for ya. Part One is called The Journey into The Infinite Space. It's a Three Parter to get ya started I should have it written down later on today and ready to post either today or tomorrow, I promise... keep your head up.
And anybody who like's music check out Rob Roy, I like his two tracks Carmencita and Fur in My Cap. My roomate/friend Byron put me on it through Childish Gambino, (aka Donald Glover, you may have seen him in NBC's The Community and those funny ass Derrick Comedy vids on Youtube.)
Here's some vids:
Also check out Cyantific's "Obey" for the Drum & Bass Heads out there!
Speaking of Drum & Bass check out - The HAMradio will keep you updated with your fix.
As well as my homie DJDonE's works
[insert Link here] -I'll update it when he give's me the damn link.
And my big sis and best friend Ashleah Jackson's blog:
And get hit by that wave of honesty from a poet like Ash herself.
Me..... I'm just gonna keep writing dirty stories and mindfucking people into my infinite space........
Spread Love
-Arc Christelle
But enough lust. Since I don't have a job at the moment, and it's too late to register for these classes that Arc Christelle gives no damn about. I'm about to work on my body and get in shape. Seriously, I'm cute right???? But I'm a big guy, some girls think it's cute, some girls think it's fat. Welcome to reality. I kind've been missing female company and I'm tired of being the sober guy around my homies, because I don't drink with guys or girls I share no interest in.
So since I got the free time... why not work out? Other than that, work on my art work, Arc Christelle Chibis and whatnot, as well as prepare a love story for ya. Part One is called The Journey into The Infinite Space. It's a Three Parter to get ya started I should have it written down later on today and ready to post either today or tomorrow, I promise... keep your head up.
And anybody who like's music check out Rob Roy, I like his two tracks Carmencita and Fur in My Cap. My roomate/friend Byron put me on it through Childish Gambino, (aka Donald Glover, you may have seen him in NBC's The Community and those funny ass Derrick Comedy vids on Youtube.)
Here's some vids:
Also check out Cyantific's "Obey" for the Drum & Bass Heads out there!
Speaking of Drum & Bass check out - The HAMradio will keep you updated with your fix.
As well as my homie DJDonE's works
[insert Link here] -I'll update it when he give's me the damn link.
And my big sis and best friend Ashleah Jackson's blog:
And get hit by that wave of honesty from a poet like Ash herself.
Me..... I'm just gonna keep writing dirty stories and mindfucking people into my infinite space........
Spread Love
-Arc Christelle
New Years Resolutions
I posted this a while back on Facebook, but I figured I'll throw it up here for my followers, like all 5 of youse. Much love. but here goes.
Tomorrow's 2011 and believe it or not..... I actually have goals for next year.
Getting a Damn Job.
Raising my GPA, then possibly transferring.
Get in shape or tone up.
Make new friends while having a great time with current ones.
Stuff I actually care about (That's right):
For 2011 I seek reformation and artistic enlightenment, as well as scientific enlightenment. I wish to incorporate more into my artwork, as well as try to become more imaginative. I want to study programming so that I can become an effective director and a true leader.
Things I want to incorporate into my Artwork.
I want to spend 2011 studying the following.
Character Design/Life Drawing
Background Design/Environments
Female Form/ Nude Work
Philosophy, perhaps even Religion
Adobe CS
So I finally started my blog on gaming, the current name is Broken Gamer, but I might switch the name to Strictly Casual, but I aim to say that "Gaming is for everyone." I haven't been updating it and it's gonna be a while before I start faithfully updating it, but once I get this laptop I'm down. Check it out sometime.
My goal for that this year is to get it going as well as try to update it as much as possible weekly.
My older blog, or The Ghost Planet. Will be a blog that would be more focused on myself, how I feel etc. I aim to return to posting on that website as well. Hopefully giving something to relate to in a poetic or pissed sense. It's been awhile sense I've updated that too, but check it out once you get a chance.
Which brings me back to something. My biggest goal, is to be able to dedicate myself to something and stick with it until the very end.
I'm not really a competitive player, but I do enjoy going to tournaments. I look forward to spending my time possibly playing some casuals and networking, as well as doing interviews for my blog and eventually live streams. I want to push gaming as a culture and become an influence.
I want to play more games with the upcoming year. When we lost all of the consoles, I feel as if I missed out on a lot of tittles, new and old. But I have also became disappointed with a lot of titles as well. So once I get some cash I'm buying a Dreamcast. The fun on that is timeless..... trust me.
Not to mention I want to play Third Strike, it's been a long ass time since I've had any 3S matches.
No big changes. Just stay cool and remain fly-unfly infinite.
Damn, I could use my own computer.
And there you have it.
Tomorrow's 2011 and believe it or not..... I actually have goals for next year.
Getting a Damn Job.
Raising my GPA, then possibly transferring.
Get in shape or tone up.
Make new friends while having a great time with current ones.
Stuff I actually care about (That's right):
For 2011 I seek reformation and artistic enlightenment, as well as scientific enlightenment. I wish to incorporate more into my artwork, as well as try to become more imaginative. I want to study programming so that I can become an effective director and a true leader.
Things I want to incorporate into my Artwork.
I want to spend 2011 studying the following.
Character Design/Life Drawing
Background Design/Environments
Female Form/ Nude Work
Philosophy, perhaps even Religion
Adobe CS
So I finally started my blog on gaming, the current name is Broken Gamer, but I might switch the name to Strictly Casual, but I aim to say that "Gaming is for everyone." I haven't been updating it and it's gonna be a while before I start faithfully updating it, but once I get this laptop I'm down. Check it out sometime.
My goal for that this year is to get it going as well as try to update it as much as possible weekly.
My older blog, or The Ghost Planet. Will be a blog that would be more focused on myself, how I feel etc. I aim to return to posting on that website as well. Hopefully giving something to relate to in a poetic or pissed sense. It's been awhile sense I've updated that too, but check it out once you get a chance.
Which brings me back to something. My biggest goal, is to be able to dedicate myself to something and stick with it until the very end.
I'm not really a competitive player, but I do enjoy going to tournaments. I look forward to spending my time possibly playing some casuals and networking, as well as doing interviews for my blog and eventually live streams. I want to push gaming as a culture and become an influence.
I want to play more games with the upcoming year. When we lost all of the consoles, I feel as if I missed out on a lot of tittles, new and old. But I have also became disappointed with a lot of titles as well. So once I get some cash I'm buying a Dreamcast. The fun on that is timeless..... trust me.
Not to mention I want to play Third Strike, it's been a long ass time since I've had any 3S matches.
No big changes. Just stay cool and remain fly-unfly infinite.
Damn, I could use my own computer.
And there you have it.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
It's been awhile since I've been posting lately, and for the most part, I've been trying to express how I feel through these posts. Honestly I feel that my posts have been half-hearted and overly bitter. Too much emotional baggage to achieve the original goal, "To inspire change." But when I think about it, I don't want people to see me as some greater figure or anything. I just want to express how I feel. I guess that would be a proper way to do a blog, to put myself out there to see if anyone can relate or even take interest. I love the following things, Art, Technology, Science, and Women. Calvin Fordham, or YOUNG ANTI. The guy who loves to have fun and take things easy. Laid back and smiling, but since I'm a big guy I'll even say jolly. Arc Christelle represents my romantic, yet perverted nature as an "Artist". That word no longer holds any value to me though it still has meaning. I seek peace yet I'm starting to lose myself in the negativity. I don't want to become a monster, I don't want to use, or abuse anyone. Yet I know somewhere inside I want to hurt the ones I love and those who have done wrong to me. Like those who've hurt me. In the end the satisfaction lacks and they become option I could do without.
Erase Me
When you see me do memories return and you cringe? Or do you laugh at me and continue on with your life? Have you forgotten me as you've abandoned me in the debris of everything I once had, everything I once loved, everything I gave a fuck about?! My world, my precious world is gone and there's nothing left!!! All that exists is me! I am everything, but to you I will forever be nothing! The box that contained my heart is empty as I look around me all I see is blood, tears, and disappointment; Disappointment in myself.
I made the mistake of coming close to you...... I regret everything, thus send myself into the hell you've created for me. I fucked with you and I paid the price. Just as when you fucked my, friends, just as when you fucked my lovers in front of me, as I fucked you in front of them. Then as I made love to my lovers you smiled in the seed you planted within them, and thoughts you planted within me.
You growled at me with insecurity, heartbreak, confusion....... What the hell is going on?
I know longer understand what it is before me. Your touch was powerful enough to drive me..... Now, something's different. When I touch you I feel nothing.... Nothing but emptiness. The emptiness reflects on me, and now I have nothing. The embodiment of pure satisfaction through all means of desire has abandoned me, and once I was I finally able to open my eyes to her misdeeds. She was gone, and everything I once had is now gone.
Walking down the street I see a young beautiful woman that once looked like you, I touched her shoulder and she responded, "Do I know you?" As I looked at her with uncertainty, she walked off with the man across from the table, holding him close, promising him everything, then turned and looked at me and smiled. I sat there with angry eyes, fueling her satisfaction.
I can only lose.... to you.
And even still I refuse to lose to you. I know what you've done to everyone..... and I refuse to become one of them. I'm stronger than you think. You may be the only one who will be there, but I am a man after all... I need no one?... .Right?
I made the mistake of coming close to you...... I regret everything, thus send myself into the hell you've created for me. I fucked with you and I paid the price. Just as when you fucked my, friends, just as when you fucked my lovers in front of me, as I fucked you in front of them. Then as I made love to my lovers you smiled in the seed you planted within them, and thoughts you planted within me.
You growled at me with insecurity, heartbreak, confusion....... What the hell is going on?
I know longer understand what it is before me. Your touch was powerful enough to drive me..... Now, something's different. When I touch you I feel nothing.... Nothing but emptiness. The emptiness reflects on me, and now I have nothing. The embodiment of pure satisfaction through all means of desire has abandoned me, and once I was I finally able to open my eyes to her misdeeds. She was gone, and everything I once had is now gone.
Walking down the street I see a young beautiful woman that once looked like you, I touched her shoulder and she responded, "Do I know you?" As I looked at her with uncertainty, she walked off with the man across from the table, holding him close, promising him everything, then turned and looked at me and smiled. I sat there with angry eyes, fueling her satisfaction.
I can only lose.... to you.
And even still I refuse to lose to you. I know what you've done to everyone..... and I refuse to become one of them. I'm stronger than you think. You may be the only one who will be there, but I am a man after all... I need no one?... .Right?
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