
Friday, January 21, 2011

Arc Christelle is the name.

I was asked a while back about my name. Well, actually I've been asked numerous times about it. Questions like, what exactly does it mean, etc. Other than that it's a pretty name???

But the name Arc Christelle is an alias designed to fit more of an egotistical side of me. The passionate perverted views of a creative person. (There was one time I wanted to do erotic art and pin-up.) The name is used to define my side as a romantic and a deviant, perhaps even as a narcississt. So when I release these types of stories or graphic images of a sensuous nature, I choose to do it under the pen-name, "Arc Christelle."

I often tell people, there's "Young Anti, Cal, and then there's Arc Christelle." Young Anti was an alias I had back in 2006 originally when I joined Xbox Live, because the style of "Anti" which was saying "One against everything" fitted my nature at the time. So that name strives to take on all culture in order to create a culture of it's own. In my Tales of Infinite Space, before Arc Christelle came to be, there was once a man named ANTI who journeyed to New Babylon to face the man known as KING. Anti wants nothing more than to destroy King in order to gain power, enough power to change the world into his own image. Ironically they were one in the same. In the end, Anti loses everything and becomes one with Hero ultimately becoming a new being, and destroys The Order of New Babylon. As the story of the happening spreads across the globe, a wandering stranger is asked his name, he responds with, a fabricated alias, Arc Christelle.

In a way each of my aliases/pen-names have become characters in my own universe, expressing different sides of me. As time will pass down I will share more about the character, "Arc Christelle" and the story of his journey through The Infinite Space as well as his past.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when you wanted to do pin-ups. :-)
    I love Aliases !!! I actually have 2 of my own. Both of my aliases are pretty much good but one is more forceful then the other. I can't wait to hear more about your story
